Somewhere over the Rainbow...

This is my favourite song at the moment "Somewhere over the Rainbow" as sung by Israel IZ Kamakawiwo'ole which is featured and where I first heard it in the movie 50 First Dates. He's Hawaiian unfortunately he passed away a few years ago so I learned on his website.
You know how songs make you feel different feelings or brings back memories well this song makes me feel pure joy and happiness! lol Crazy huh! The way the ukulele is played and the rythm is just perfect and then the singer's voice blends in so well. So Martin (kind kind super mate) sent me the song two weeks ago and still when I play it I'm overcome with happy thoughts and a sense of euphoria. lol who needs drugs!!! Or maybe its to do with when it was played in the movie where the boy and girl were together and lived happily ever-after! I think darling husband is getting sick of the song now...


dasifi said…
You should check out his whole album my favorites are "Lover of Mine", In This Life, Hawaiian Superman and his joke about the Three lil ducks, Quack, Quack Quack, Bubbles. It's a hoot.

He was a wonderful artist whose voice rang with pure emotion. His music was awesome and has the ability to take you to a tranquil & euphoric place where u could almost hear the gentle lapping of the waves upon the shore.

Poor Alex he may have to buy some real heavy duty earphones when you get ur hands on Iz's Album.

Coconut Girl said…
This is one of moy favorite songs. IZ has a great voice. Some other favs - "In Dis Life" and "Lover of Mine". Did you see the guy? He was massive. Hello, they need a crane to lift him onto the stage during one of his concerts coz the guy was just too big to move.

R.I.P Braddah IZ!
Malelega said…
I'd love to own that album some day. No luck finding it in this part of the world. So will wait till kausaga o Apipa ha ha! When I saw the guys' pics I understood why he died so young! Anyway cheers to his awesome musin. May he RIP. laderrr

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