And the winner is...

And the creative one does it again. My sis won best design at the Wintec Matariki Wearable Arts show in Hamilton, NZ. Jody has always been the more creative one in our family thanks to Mom who always made sure we had things to work with. However some people just have the gift of creating things out of nothing and this sista is one of those. Put her in a room with scraps and arm her with a glue gun and she'll emerge with two tuigas (Samoan dancing head dress) and a couple of outfits for the next pageant to compete in! So she entered the Matariki show two weeks ago and spent (knowing her) a few dollars and sista won the particular category! Surprise surprise! The other contestants probably spent hundreds on their designs oh and hiring the models but Jody spent less and modeled the outfit herself hahaha! Doing it Savaii style. Congrats girl. That's my sis.


Fotu said…
Oka se tuff o le keige lea! Congrats Miss Jody! :)

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