The joys of toy shopping!

Friends of ours were going back to NZ last week offered to take some things for us if we wanted. Of course no Samoan refuses such an offer, as it is my nephew Lio's birthday next month what better way to get his pressent there on time but with our dear friends. He likes toy cars, so off I went toy shopping at Lulu's hypermarket near us. Saw some really cool toys, funny I always walk right past those aisles but now here I was up and down inspecting the different cars and how they operate. I must admit I was loving it! heh heh! Brought out the child in me (or the child tomboy ha ha!) Finally I settled for the H2 model of the Hummer which is my favourite car at the moment. Oops the toy is for my nephew but no doubt he has the same taste as his favourite aunty(lol)! So I take the toy to the counter so they could check it out if its working! And yep that thing was working alright. Its those remote controlled ones. I was excited over the darn thing I grabbed the remote from the sales lady and played with the thing right there in the store. I'm sure they thought I was crazy. I got home plugged it in to feed the battery and before I wrapped it up, I had to try it again, just in case it broke (right, in the box:)! So there I was, zooming my nephew's toy car around the dining room! ha ha! My friend Ponita, thought it quite comical! Finally I sadly(for self) and happily(for nephew) wrapped the toy up knowing that he will fully enjoy it. Happy Birthday Lio.


dasifi said…
kids are so lucky these days they have such a huge array of toys they can choose from or rather adults can choose to buy for them.
Sounds like you had a difficult time parting with your nephew's present. lol @ the constant testings...ioe one has to make sure everything is working well ha!ha!
Those fascinating gadgets brings out the tomboy in a lot of us. Was never into dolls, for the life of me I couldn't figure out what most little girls saw in them..I was more into water pistols, cars and toy soldiers.
I bought my nephews a playstation 2 unit some years back and ended up hogging it for most of the time. The poor kids were baffled it was more like I had bought it for myself and just used them as an excuse to get it.anyways I can certainly relate to your story. There are certain times when the inner child in all of us refuses to be ignored.

Take care of u n urs. The news from your side is quite unsettling but heres to hoping that Peace! be the order of the day.
Thanks for dropping by my page.
Peachy.. said…
E,e, I saw my neighbor's kid with a Hummer toy. It was a Hummer Limo all hooked and pimped out. Remote control too. Fai atu i toy i nei vaitaimi a ea??? E leai lava ni toy faapena a'o ou laititi.. Na'o le mea tata ma mapu e fai ai le pele mapu ( ha,ha ).. Amuia tatou fanau...Manuia le vaiaso...
Sita Leota said…
No worse than when I used to buy a book for my sister and I'd read it before I gave it to her... :) E auvaku ua untidy uma foliga ole kusi...
Anonymous said…
And the nephew loved the Hummer car! - and says "Thanks Aunty Mega" when he saw the package couldn’t hold it back from him he just teared it open, since he received it in the hospital, well he did his testing up and down the hospital corridors given the nurse a little xtra work to do hehe…Thanks for the gift Mega – and hope to hear from you both soon, Alofas,Lio and Lina.

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