With my Mom Vaasiliifiti Moelagi Jackson

With Mom and one flower girl my niece Yvonne


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Malelega said…
Hi Harold,
Wow blast from the past. Thanks for the compliment. I do actually remember you. I remember you carved all our names on those coconut vases using your dental drill! We talked about you for as long as those vases lasted! Hope you are well. Cheers
tina said…
hi omega its tina kilisi's daughter. I just want to say that your son is such a cutie
elisabetta said…
Dear Omega, I have just heard about the terrible tsunami and I wanted to know about your family. We met when I stayed to your family resort in savaii, at Christmas 1998, with my ex boyfriend Emanuele. We both experienced your warmfull and charming family atmosphere.After having asked Moelagi suggestion, we both had traditional tatoos made by Peni.We are always very proud of our wonderful Samoan tatoos. Please report all my thoughts to Moelagi and your family in this terrible moment. I hope to hear from you and I send a big hug from Switzerland

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