Looking back,

I am now back in Oman after our wedding, Christmas and New Years with family. Already it feels like the wedding was a long time ago however we have fond memories of it all. Looking back I feel so proud and grateful for our families' acceptance of our wishes for our wedding day. The day was fabulous, and not just for us because even afterwards our relatives were still talking about how lovely the day was. Thanks to our cousin Rudy for filming the wedding. I picked up the wedding DVDs three weeks ago and viewed it a few times with my family. Now I wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or not because our family being 'us' we were criticising the whole thing from the beginning till the end! It was just hilarious, but in the end it was the mistakes, the drunks, those that ate too much, talked too much and those that hogged the camera that made the day really fun and down-right great.


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