Twins or not?

Just a week ago before I left Samoa, Norah my sister in-law went to Tuasivi Hospital for a final pregnancy check up before her due date and she comes home with the news that she had been transferred to Apia for a proper scan as the nurse felt two hearbeats meaning the possibility of twins. Of course that got all of us excited and I'm sure poor Norah must have been re-organising her plans to include two babies not one. Anyway she had the scan in Apia and they saw a tall healthy baby boy instead of the two supposed babies which the nurse had gotten everyone excited over. Anyway Norah then gave birth to a healthy baby boy yesterday, thank you Lord.
And it looks like Savaiian pregnant women have to go to Apia to get a proper scan or be told something else nine months into the pregnancy!!! What a classic. Plus the Savaii main hospital does not have a scan! Unbelievable! So lets pray the new Savaiian Health Minister changes this very soon.


Anonymous said…
Hi Omega,
My name is Dionna Dobbins. I am Drew's former sister-in-law. Drew's twin son's live with me and my husband in California. I was hoping to say congratulations and possibly get an email address for Drew. I would like to email some pictures of the boys. My email address is:
Thank you, Dionna

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