Dubai UAE

We are in Dubai at the moment for Alex's sim this week. We are staying with friends for a couple of nights to catch up with them and other friends who live here in Dubai. This is one heck of a city. It is a concrete jungle there are new buildings being built as far as the eye can see. Though the roads are wide the traffic is quite horrendous due to too many cars on the road and everyone playing commando on the roads as a result there were 5 car accidents last week. We have just been to a nice restaurant where 4 months ago looked like it was going to be another year before completion. We are staying at the Greens and 24 hours 6 days a week the construction sites are operating.
Talking to people here about life in Dubai it is something else. People from all over the world just lose their sense of discipline in this place. People get very spoilt here because things are fairly cheap and people are making big bucks. I think people lose sight of reality in these places. Maids are very cheap to have along with baby sitters, where ever you go if you choose you can be served head to foot. All the Indian and Filipino workers treat customers with learned cordiality. Hullo ma'am good afternoon sir, you feel transported back to a different time of servants and masters... This is a very surreal world indeed. So we come to those expats who back in their countries they are just another Tom Dick and Harry and here they treat the workers like dirt as if they were of Royalty or something. Moreover there is so much complaints about not having this nor that, blah blah blah. They come to expect much more than they would ever get at their homes. People really lose sight of reality and it makes me think of their kids who are brought up in this kind of society. Where there are many different cultures that they are really lost on which is the culture they must follow. Talking to one parent, it was expressed that its not easy to tell one's child how it is as the other children are taught something else by their own parents.
My conclusion of Dubai is: It is a city with no soul almost. Sure you get everything and anything but there is no culture here, the Arabian culture of the Emirates is really lost in this race to modernisation and to become the hub of the world. I think there are many underlying social problems that are emerging in this kind of society. But then again what society is perfect???


Fotuosamoa said…
i still wanna come to Dubai man...regardless....after all its a welcome relief to be in a dysfunctional world once in a long as no one harvests my lungs in a tug while im out cold...

luv u,

and alofas to elva and marissa!!!
Fotu said…
An interesting post here about UAE. I know people that have lived there and returned with crazy stories about earning ridiculous amount of money, living marble houses and strict censorship in a conservative society. It's always fascinated me!

Geeb it gummin!


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