Independence Day

In a few hours we will celebrate the 44th independence day for Samoan citizens around the world. This was the day that our country was officially handed back to our forefathers to be governed by our own people. Even more remarkable we were the first Pacific Island nation to do so in 1962. Thanks to the Mau movement and their perseverence for now we daughters and sons of Samoa are enjoying being citizens of an independent state. OK we rely alot on aid especially remittances from Samoans overseas but hey its our people helping our own. Aid is help from other countries thank you very much but I think we deserve it after what Germany and New Zealand under the not-so-Great Britain put our people through during their rule. New Zealand is forgiven as Aunty Helen Clark had owned up and apologised to the Samoan people a few decades later two years ago. As my Mom puts it, "It takes a woman (PM Helen Clark) to own up and apologize for their wrong doing" Ok maybe Helen Clark was looking for the island vote at the time but never mind it was a noble act nevertheless.
Its a pity that our country is so small that they did not discuss our national movement in the histories across the Pacific or the world. What our forefathers achieved for Samoans is no different from what Ghandi for India, Nelson Mandela for South Africa and Martin Luther King for African-Americans achieved. For arguments sake Tupua Tamasese Lealofi III was assassinated in plain sight during the non-violent Mau procession. And while he was bleeding to death his last words to his people were not to avenge his death but to maintain the peace at any price and that his blood has been shed for the people of Samoa.
So in a few hours we celebrate independence and at the same time commemorate the our leaders that fought for what we enjoy now as a free people.
Manuia le sisiga fua.


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