Dubai Cont'd

Yesterday while Alex was in the sim I caught a taxi and went to another Samoan lady's place here. There I caught up with the other Samoan women representing in the desert. It was great to catch up with fellow sisters here in this mad city. All up there are about 10 Samoans who reside here with their spouses and its great to know that there are fellow country women and men here so that it always feels good to come here to catch up with them. Some of them have been here for more than 10 years so they have seen this place go from desert hinterland to big city within that short time frame and it is still going. They have amazing stories about the place and yes get a lot of tips from them on how to survive in this rugged terrain of too many choices to shop for heh heh!


dasifi said…
It seems like those ladies have a story to tell..i know my interest has been sparked like how they got there? How they've managed to cope with the lifestyle, environment. Do they miss home??? etc etc.

Maybe u can compile their life stories adding in ur unique perspective as a young samoan embarkin on a new life there in that corner of the globe.

Your take would be unique and u might come up with ur own bestseller.
Though there are Samoans in ur part of the world not many know of their can do it for some us whose knowledge of the pyramids/camels and all things unique to the middle east are confined to the books & movie screen.

Malelega said…
Not to worry, I'm working on it. Will post them one by one as I go along. But you're right this world here is just so different from what we know back in the islands but then one gets used to it in a sense, of course not to the other aspects which I'll write about later. Cheers to the ideas.

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