
I am now sitting in my sister and her hubby's place in Hamilton. Its pretty cold outside and I'm thankful for the gas heater thats heating up the room nicely. We're watching tv (surprise) and there's nothing good on. Chiefs beat Blues to Gui's delight and Hurricanes beat Warratahs. Looks like a Kiwi final this year tho' I'm very sure its a crusaders year again! Tomorrow our cousin Neil comes over for the holidays. Its his first time out of Samoa and we're all pretty excited about it. I think it may be a bit too cold but he'll be too excited to notice I hope. Mom is enjoying kicking back and relaxing.

Tomorrow I hop on Emirates to head for Oman on a very looooonnngggg flight. arrggh I'm kind of dreading the long flight but well I guess I'll just catch up with all the latest movies and try to get some sleep. Better get going dinner is served. Laters


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