
I'm now in transit in Singapore for about 30 mins to 1 hour. It hasn't been too bad of a flight this time around. Been sleeping heaps on the flight over which is great. Auckland to Brisbane was 3 hours, 1 hour transit in Brisbane then Brisbane to Singpore 7 hours and 30 mins. Now we're on transit for another 30 mins. I think they just called my flight to board again. Emirates has been awesome. For those that don't know you have your own tv monitor and you can watch your own selected movie. Its almost business class compared to other airlines where you watch the same big screen and if you're not seated appropriately you're lookin at the screen sideways like my Air New Zealand flight from Samoa 5 days ago.
Mom, Relle, Neil and Aunty Lucy saw me off at the airport. We had a great time in New Zealand with my family. I miss my Mom and felt like the little daughter leaving Mom once more. Silly but what the heck we'll always be our mothers' lil' girls I guess.