"Do not go gentle into that good night"

The funeral of our beloved grandma was beautiful. The quote above by Dylan Thomas, I believe fits my grandma's life story so well. All the eulogies that were said of grandma before our time was that she was a hardworking woman in every way. She not only did the women's role so well but she also outworked the men in her time. She was sought after for her workmanship and originality. She was a mother, handiwoman, a musician and quite the entertainer. It was interesting to listen to the eulogies of the older people as they were talking about Faleasiu from another time before we were born. So in a way I learned a bit more about our grandma from the eulogies which were being said. As we were growing up people in the village would ask after Faleasiu's health and then they would relate to us what a mesmerising mandolin player that grandma was. They would proceed to describe how she used to strum the mandolin amazingly that the women's committees' get togethers were never boring once grandma started strumming the instrument. Back then it was foreign to me as my grandma was bedridden and was paralyzed on her whole left side. She encouraged us to play instruments and so I tried my hand at the guitar however I cannot seem to capture the mesmerising strumming that was described to me.
Even when grandma was bedridden 31 years ago, she adapted to the role of advisor, child nurturer, preacher and supporter of her whole family.
"Rage, rage against the dying of the light." (Dylan Thomas). Hence I truly appreciate the meaning behind these words which I read and learned years ago.


dasifi said…
The loss of someone so dear leaves a void that perhaps can never be filled but your grandma's legacy lives on in all of you. Her spark and unique qualities can never be surrendered even to death as long as the story of her life continues to be told.

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