Wellington itinerary

We're in freezing Wellington after tropical Samoa. We've basically stayed close to the toasty fireplace to keep warm. Today the sun is actually out but still quite cold. Friday we caught up with hubby's fam and friends at the Tasting room in Courtney place. Nice bar and yummy tapas to boot. By 1am I'd had enough bought a yucky kebab and came home. The kebab was bland and not worth my troubles. Headache the next morning with my usual promise of never consuming alcohol again...oi auee lo'u moa e. Saturday night we went for dinner to my bro-in-law's house. What a lovely dinner prepared by them. Met nice friends of theirs and was quite a pleasant quiet evening of discussing all sorts of issues in NZ and the world. The next morning which was yesterday we went to brunch at hubby's Uncle's place. Nice seeing them all again. Tauilagi is of course enjoying meeting more family everyday. The grandparents are enjoying everyday with him that I sometimes forget I came with my son! heh heh I think my son just sees us as housemates at the moment as he's spending every waking moment with his nana and papa! Today's a quiet day of relaxation and changing tickets on our way home.
We were supposed to go for our friend's LM's wedding cocktail last Friday. But thanks to Qantas they didn't fly most of last week due to the ash cloud though Air NZ and others were operating. So we had to cancel our trip and inform our friends that we couldn't make it. We were so looking forward to that too!
I'm so unprepared for winter that I've now rerouted our tickets so my son and I will go through Brisbane to catch up with our cousins there and meet up with my friend that I haven't seen in 5 years!!! She got married in May and we just couldn't make it so will now go visit them. I can't wait and look forward to catching up with them all in Brisbane. yipppeeeeee


Fotuosamoa said…
freezing alright! at least we dont hve the wind too. wish we coul tag along on your trip to the labans and the beautiful kate,....send them our alofas!
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