Dubai Sales Galore and Sophia Lauren

So we went to the Deira City Centre which is literally across the road from the hotel we're at. This hotel which hubby's work use for all their employees when in Dubai for work turned out to be conveniently located. You step out the door and you enter the metro station stairs where you can walk across to the mall or you can just cross the road at the lights(but it's too hot for that now). The metro below can take you to a lot of attractions across Dubai which is very handy.

We walked across to the mall and had a look around and oooh the sales were just in your face, inviting you in to buy buy buy! Uh huh they appealed to my weak mana'o tele self. After looking for hubby's new toy to no avail, he and our returned to the hotel while I feast my eyes and brutalise the bank card at the shops. I'm normally not an impulse shopper but today really tested my willpower!

I bought this cheap eye shadow kit in May. Result is every time I wear the damn thing my eyes get itchy. So I guess cheap and my aira face do NOT go together. I went into Sephora to browse for some good make-up, I asked the assistants about certain stuff and the Chanel make-up artist came over to help me. I happily took the opportunity to be pampered with expensive make-up and by a professional too! So I asked for a specific look and she worked from Step A using face serum(whatever that is), moisturizer right up to eye shadow. She asked if I wanted the Arabic or the European version. The latter thanks very much and no foundation fanks. Anyway after she did her thing I left with my one purchase. Let's just say I never wear make up like that but thought I'd give her the benefit of the doubt. So the real test was when I got back the hotel. Hubby opens the door and first thing he said was: "So you got Arab make-up on again?" Choo hoo

Moral of the story never let a make-artist around here play with your face!


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