Week-end Away

Thank goodness for creche's that run summer programmes. I put my son in one not too far from where we live and it's been great. Every time I pick him up he runs out with a new craft that they made in class. Sunday were the birdies Peter and Paul sitting in a boat, Monday was a turtle and Tuesday was a frog that he had attached to his hand like a puppet. Each had a little rhyme attached to the back of the craft. Very clever crafts using paper plates and card boards. He came back with more creative things in 3 days at this creche than a whole year at the one before! Anyway he's enjoying making new friends and he's happy to be going to 'school'.

Hubby had to come to Dubai for his sim on the week-end and I decided that we'll tag along and enjoy lounging around the hotel room and swim in the cooled pool. And that's what we did yesterday. When hubby went off to work we went down for a swim at 7.30pm and stayed there for about an hour. Got back to the room had some munchies and slept fitfully till 8 this morning. Beats sitting in Muscat on our own. All our friends(ladies and kids) are away for the summer so it's just us "only the lonely" there. I don't blame them as it's supposed to be hot in summer and it's ramadan in 2 days.

However, lucky for us the summer is mild and we've been able to go outside everyday after 3pm for Tau to ride his bike and splash in his little pool. We bought an above-ground pool for his birthday that's not too small that we can all fit into. Today we're going in search of a pool pump and chlorine tablets for it so we don't have to empty it and waste water every time. Exciting as Tau is very confident in the water now and may help him swim sooner than later. Once the swim teachers are back from summer I'll take him back for swimming lessons.

And now we're off to check out the Dubai Summer Sales. Of course the hubby doesn't know that yet!


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