"O Romeo, where art thou?" Verona

We arrived on Wizz Air from Budapest to Bergamo near Milan. We caught the train with one change in Brescia for Verona. It took about 2 hours all up to travel by train. Our hotel thanks to hubby's great skill on hotel finding (again) found us one halfway between the train station and the Arena or town center. We checked in and made our way into town. The Arena was closed to the public so we couldn't go inside but we walked around it and walked the streets of Verona until we came across Juliet's house of Romeo and Juliet. The courtyard with walls were filled with graffiti of love letters from people for Juliet! In the courtyard was a statue of Juliet of which her right breast is exposed and the left one had her hand over her heart. There's a myth that if unlucky one can rub Juliet's heart for good luck. While we were looking around in the courtyard we witnessed with amusement some tourists holding on to Juliet's right breast and having their photo taken! We walked on to the little square with the souvenir markets in the middle and I must say I'm a little disappointed when I see non locals in these stalls! They take the authenticity out of the experience if you ask me!
But Verona is a lovely and cozy little city. We came across the old city walls that remained after centuries. Just beautiful. We spotted a local place with no tourists and settled ourselves in there. The two Italian ladies behind the bar were abrupt at first but after two drinks each they realized we weren't leaving they became very friendly and offered up tapas and got us  some mortadella that was just Yummy. We were there till 11pm. We made our way home and had pizza in some side street joint that was yummy like everywhere else here! 
The main gates into Verona

The mighty Arena

Close up of the Arena

Letters to Juliet

In the entrance to Juliet's courtyard

The shy bar ladies

Cute Fiat on the street
After a big breakfast the next morning we went back to the Arena to find very long queues of tourists lining up to go in. We gave that a miss walked around the town once more before we picked up our bags and headed for the train station for our train to Venezia. 


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