How did we get here?

In two days time, one of my closest friends will start undergoing chemo-therapy, to be rid of any remaining cancer cells in her system after undergoing a mastectomy last month! I never thought I'd say that, ever, but here we are, just another group of people affected by this terrible disease called cancer. I guess you think you know what it's like but you don't until it hits people you're close to. When I got the bad news, we were floating along the canals in Venice, one of the most spectacular cities in the world but at that moment it felt like someone had sucked the life and magic out of Venice in one breathe and we were left in darkness with terrible sadness and shock. 
Hana is one of the strongest women I've met and know. And this dreadful cancer as another friend put it, has met it's match. She is fighting this thing and living life like nothing awful has happened. With a healing scar on her chest she is going through each day like any other day. Taking her children to school, to the beach, to play dates, entertaining friends and just enjoying life as she always had. She's an inspiration to us all that have come to know and love her and lots of people could take a leaf out of her power book of life. A lot of the time She is being strong for all of us around her, and if she is ready to face this like that of a gladiator, with her sword wielded and shield thrust forward, then I can only be that wing-man that will fight alongside her as she forges forward to conquer this unfair battle that we must all help her fight.   


Sisipeni said…
Sorry to hear about your friend. Best wishes and prayers for Hana. I know how Cancer can disrupt lives as I lost my cousin last year to it. She sounds like she's got her grip on its neck. :) Go Hana!
Malelega said…
Thank you. Today she started losing her hair and now looking every bit the cancer patient she's just heart breaking. Can only be strong and praying for her always.

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