Its my birthday...

Its now the 10th September which is officially my birthday. My Mom never mentioned what time of the day I emerged into this world but then frankly I don't care at least I came out in one piece. I know for sure that Dr. Peter Cafferelli from Siufaga was the one that delivered me. Funny but we had an old huge atlas that Dr. Cafferelli wrote a note inside the day I was born and that was a memento that I always had growing up. It felt amazing when I looked at that inscription because it was really something from my birth when I was unaware and yet here is evidence that I was once an infant and really was born from my mother and father. It was close to being a photograph of my birth really. Come to think of it, I better steal that atlas from Mom's place next time I go home! Hopefully its still there. Today hubby has been extra secretive with his shopping though I wonder what's up with the last minute shopping heh heh! Tomorrow I'll find out what he got for me, makes me feel like I'm 12 again. But on my birthday I am thankful to God for all I've done in the past year. I got married (again) to my lovely husband had Christmas in Samoa with mine and Alex's family which was beautiful. We went to Egypt, Europe and England to my father's homeland. In April I went home to see my grandmother who was very sick and spent ten days with her before she passed on, may she rest in peace. For all this, I am thankful to God for all the people in my life though they come and they go, it is the experience that leaves me enriched to face the new year with more passion and appreciation. Happy Birthday to me and to all those who share the same birthday.


Anonymous said…
much love from ur family in aussie!!!
Love reading ur blogs and pictures are beautiful!!! keep up the great work!!!!
We just celebrated dads 60th bday on Saturday (9th) he had such a great bday!!!!
we all hope u enjoy ur day!! and may you be blessed with many more to come.
Much love sis, sami xo
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday luvie!! Here's wishing you many more glorious years of loyfe ahead and blessings galore from the man upstairs! Anyhoo, can you report what the secret shopping was for already, goz this was my second toyme for the reading of this post heh heh heh lmfao @ being an eager beaver. hibs and hibs of luff xx
Malelega said…
Thanks guys. Sami say happy birthday to Uncle and sounds like he had a blast! No wonder we get on we're both Virgoans... Virgo rocks yipeee! Thanks Nets. Luv u guys. Mega
Anonymous said…
All good people are born in September. My Birthday is the 14th.
Lets see, does that make you 4 days older than me? (I wish!)
Fotuosamoa said…
happy birthday sis!!!!

i was drinking a bottle of church road for you sis!

lots of love,

Malelega said…
Happy Birthday Vivian, and yeah I'll be four days older than you, if you want! lol. Hope you have a nice day and many more to come.
Coconut Girl said…
Happy Belated Birthday cuzzy bro!!! I know, it's like 11 days late, but it got to you!!! I've been away from the internet and barely have time to post...coz ova le pisi o legei piznizwoman...hehe. Obviously you had a lovely birthday, complete with the sexy hubby and the delicious dinner. Ka'i tuff faiga a Alex!! Love you guys. take care. Send mai se ipod for the makikiva children of Samunda. Haha.

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