This blog consists of photos from our trips around the world and just news of what we're up to here in Oman for our friends and families. Moreover It's for my wandering thoughts. Enjoy, if not fa la'ia heh.
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Here's Siatua Solomona, the newest addition to our family. My eldest brother (on Mom's side) Chris Andrew and Norah Solomona's baby boy. This is Mom's 16th grandchild all up and counting. He is one month old now.
he's sooooo adorable...i wish i could take him...hehehe(for a little while until he poo's...hehe)
e mega, add my blog to your links to template...
got no news from home, just the mass email from the seattle crowd, seems like uncle is bored but being useful anf fixing leota's car.
Anonymous said…
Long life to the latest addition to your family. He's a cute bubba aint he?
Anonymous said…
nora and i were lauging about siatua, seems her babies all start out a little light skinned and quiet then they turn dark and loud:) siatua has grey eyes but in the sunlight they look blue, nora says that hoping they remain that way is wishful thinking! oh and sistahs, just a reminder from our family, theyre wonderin when the newest additions from your ends will emerge!
Thanks dasifi hope so too. Relle its the other way around, Aute was born dark and then was lighter later on. Thats the question is she still screaming her head off at night or has it changed since the new arrival! Aute the actress!
oh relle, tell them to wait another century for the additions from me and mex hahaha...and what about you ??? hahah...c'mon sis, vin diesel's never coming to samoa,...only robert bradford, who doesn't produce anymore..heheh... im waiting to be made full time by wintec before i start the long road downhill with babies and diapers and no life and shit.
but before that happens, AMen to Contraception and being non-Catholic...har har... luv luv
did you guys' hear about uncle Phillip?? thats so so so sad,...i need to write to heather that the kids.
Anonymous said…
thats a sad way of looking at the begining of someones life, aint it jody! havent you heard of relatives, baby sitters and locking ones child in a car while one is in the nightclub? seems common in nz...
The time came when the completion of the tattooing sessions were near. We went to Samoa for three and a half weeks and we were hoping that it would be done well before then but by the third week we were not so sure we'd be done well before or in time. You see in Samoa there are a lot of unforseeable circumstances that arise. One of those was the tattooist's family from ovearseas showed up for family meetings and all. So there had to be days off while the tufuga dealt with his family duties. On top of that Mother's day followed and then the final week was full on tattooing everyday until it was completed on Saturday. On this Saturday I dropped the two victims off to the tufuga's house, hung around to serve breakfast and then went back to our host family to help with the preparations for the samaga ceremony. Samaga is the ceremony that formalises the completion of the tufuga's work and where he lifts his taboos and bans and let's the new pe'as out into the wor...
Samoan oil in Fanta and tobasco sauce recycled bottles at Fugalei market. The bottle caps are made of coconut husks wrapped in plastic to keep the husk in place. You've got to love the recycling sense. Samoan oil is used as moisturiser, hair gel, ointment, antiseptic and mosquito repellant oh and used as 'glitter' when dancing. I remember going to school covered in it when we were little. I'm sure I had nightmares for years after whenever I smelled it. But then it was okay because everyone else at school was covered in it too. Oh and we made our own too. My grandma who was blind and paralysed sensed it was going to rain and would yell out to us to come bring the lolo (process or state of making Samoan oil) inside the house because water pollutes the pure oil. So I must attribute my smooth skin to the fagu'u that grandma used to remind us every morning to make sure we had covered our bodies with. Choo hooo fresh off the island ow:)
e mega, add my blog to your links to template...
got no news from home, just the mass email from the seattle crowd, seems like uncle is bored but being useful anf fixing leota's car.
oh and sistahs, just a reminder from our family, theyre wonderin when the newest additions from your ends will emerge!
im waiting to be made full time by wintec before i start the long road downhill with babies and diapers and no life and shit.
but before that happens, AMen to Contraception and being non-Catholic...har har...
luv luv
did you guys' hear about uncle Phillip?? thats so so so sad,...i need to write to heather that the kids.