Welcome to Oman

So hubby had the day off today and I seized the opportunity to escape the 'mummy_dom' for an afternoon and do what 'I' want to do. I went to pay our bills first and the office closes at 1pm but I got there at 12.55pm and the Omani girls behind the counter were very patient with the few of us that arrived at the same time and let us get our bills and pay. I was left by myself with the two Omani ladies processing my transaction, I decided to be faikala(nosy) and ask for inside views on the current situation in Oman. I asked any news from Sohar(where the protests(vandalism) were a few days ago) and one of the girls laughed and said. I don't know I haven't read the paper today. I said so you haven't heard anything further about any more protests? And she laughed and said, "After work I'm going home to sleep." and laughed and I laughed along cos I thought that was such a funny reaction. She was dismissing the Sohar fiasco as a waste of time. I loved it. The other lady then asked me where I was from. I said New Zealand just so I don't have to stand there and give a geography lesson about Samoa and she said which is a very common thing here, she said "Welcome to Oman." with a big smile. That encompasses the feeling of the people here towards us expats. They're friendly and welcoming. I walked out of there with a warm glow from such an interesting exchange with these lovely local ladies. 
I decided to go to my favourite spa for a massage because I had a sore shoulder plus I think I deserve it! I got the lovely Rose from Thailand, boy this woman knows what she's doing. She worked my muscles and cracked my bones to relief. It was such a lovely way to spend my free hour. I then went to Shatti beach to have a coffee and read the paper there in peace. It was business as usual at Shatti beach, filled with people out to relax and enjoy the afternoon sun and breeze. 
I sat in one corner and updated myself from Oman Times. it reported that there was a march yesterday at 4pm at the Grand Mosque of people showing their support for the Sultan. People had flags and posters saluting to His Majesty and his wise leadership of this country. About 4000 people attended and it was a peaceful march from the Grand Mosque to the high way. The police were present to divert the traffic away from the march. In another story, they had pictures from Sohar at the globe roundabout that things were back to normal there. There's military presence to secure the area. I hope this is it for these flare ups here. This country doesn't need this headache. The sultan has done such a great job bringing this country from nothing to what it is today. The highways is one way that shows the development in this country. Every year when there's an inconveniece on one road, immediately work is done to widen the road and recently a new highway was opened to relieve the Sultan Qaboos highway of congestion.


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