Eid Mubarak

Three more days to Eid here in Oman and other Muslim nations. It is equivalent to our Christmas and it's also the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. People of course are very excited and all out shopping for their families. There was something on at the stadium near our place last night and it was just packed. Drove by to throngs of people walking around and one could feel the festive atmosphere in the air.
Alex's folks arrived last night and now they're out sightseeing and grocery shopping. Got my twisties that I was craving for and the Samoan cocoa from my sister. Got a nice package of goodies from my sister with lots of pictures of baby Maeva and the family back home. I will have to download all of them on to the hard drive and have a good look at them all.
In the meantime Eid Mubarak to all who are celebrating Eid this year!!


Peachy.. said…
It's just great to have family around especially being far from them, better yet the goodies that they bring from home. Ciao...
Fotuosamoa said…
glad you got the package, sorry they won't left me send the umu and the faaausi kalo,..reminds me of that samoan joke, "if i knew you were coming, i would have sent my pig to kill a son!"

luv u sisder,

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