Visiting our Samoan Embassy in Brussels.

Fran is the first secretary to the Samoan Ambassador in Brussels. We went in to visit the embassy and see if Fran was really working..heh heh!

Hmm...It looked like she was working...

So we pose by the flag and the picture of Malietoa..never mind heh heh!

Coffee break and drinking lots of water...very warm in the office a Fran ha ha!

Alex with Tung Pio Chan. Its actually Pio Chan Tung his dad is the Ambassador. Pio was telling us that when he went on a tournament for his new school he and his sister both won medals and the funniest thing was when they announced his name they said it Tung Pio Chan!!! Only when others nudged him did he realise it was his name choo hoo nice one! all da way from Sa-chick.


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