Toonai with the Ambassador!

The lovely Samoan Ambassador and his good lady invited us on Sunday for brunch. Tuala Farani Chan Tung is the new Ambassador for Samoa in Brussels and was appointed last October.

"I gan't bulieve it!" It's pisupo(Samoan food). Had pork chops too.Hmm

Tasting the fuefuesaiga (cough medicine) served by Madame Luisa!

Alex shares a beer with the big man in the garden. Nothing like beer as an ice breaker heh heh!

Samoa House in Brussels. It is not far from where the Battle of Waterloo was fought!


Sita Leota said…
vaai i faiga a le keigeikiki gale o francella!

loved the photos...looks like you guys all had a blast :o)
Anonymous said…
hmmm...pisupo..suga if you have any to spare in Oman..hahahaha bring us some when you come next week LMAO...j/ks.

I'm lurvin all the flics and travel news...hey maybe we should do paris together?? like a girls weekend...or week...whichever, I mean really, after the hard work we do day in, day out...heh heh - Gawd I miss working but being a lady of leisure kinda has it's perks...many many many perks :-)
Peachy.. said…
Great photos!!!! Brings back so many fond memories.. Went furniture hunting in Brussels-woodwork is to die for.. Thanks this nice stroll down memory lane.
Manuia le aso..
dasifi said…
The Chang Tungs look happy in their new home. Nice that you guys were able to get together n enjoy a taste of home. Pisupo oh yeah..feel like some with water cress...yummmmmmmm.
Great pics Megs..more more
Coconut Girl said…
Looks like you had a bloody awesome holiday!! Lucky biatch. You still look like the same beautiful couple, on the go 24/7. Fran looks the same too...totally at home with a pitcher of

Luv you guys....
Malelega said…
Hey Peachy funny u mention that, the ambassador loves antiquing and invited us along but we were too hungover to go heh heh! But their house has some lovely furniture and other stuff that he collected and fixed up himself, his hobby I should say. Yeah Nets, sounds good but umm how do we tell the guys they're not included, that we need a break from a holiday hahaha! Oh and yeah I thought I'd never miss pisupo till Francella whipped some out and they tasted awesome at 4 am in the morning after the nite out hahaha! blimin' fobs. Our Belgian mate was a bit shocked at the big meal at that hour... umm its kinda normal where we from hahaha! Thanks Nydia u're so nice. But yeah anyone coming our way our spare room has yet to see visitors yet thanks lol.

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