Tauilagi's 3rd birthday party

We threw Tauilagi's 3rd birthday bash on May 11th well over a month before his actual birthday. Everyone leaves the hot summer heat in Oman in June so I thought we'll have a pre-birthday party so he can enjoy it with his little friends. I had fun organising it and decided to make a pinata which took me all of 6 hours spread out in 3 days. Hubby dearest was in charge of the food while my darling Nets and I did the snacks and goodies for the kids to enjoy. Nets made crispy crackers which were very yummy and I made afghans and then we both made a pagipopo pan each. We froze the dough from the night before so we had less to do the next day. We decorated the house and the garden then got all the stuff ready, fruits and all the nibbles for the kids and adults. Instead of actually paying for professionals I delegated myself to make the balloon models for the kids and Nets to do face painting. Nets was actually really good at her new found job and the face painting was a hit. It was very cute. I made a few balloon swords for the kids to play with and managed to ace the poodle! It's funny that these things can easily be done to make the parties fun without paying an arm and a leg for it. I was lucky to have the doting Aunty Nets help us with the party and so it was loads of fun as we got everything ready. We also organised the pass the parcel game which we forgot to do in the middle of all the fun activities. The Statues game was fun and of course the mums were right into it. We did the pin the tail on the donkey but a cars style one and we didn't do the other ones neither. The week before we bought a small pool so the kids spent about an hour splashing around in the pool. I was worried the it might get boring but with all the stuff we had planned it worked out well. We had the awesome cake which Nets hand carried from Dubai that was Car themed and was really yummy too. The pinata was fun but what I thought was a soft pinata turned out to be a bit hard for the 3-5 year olds to break. I learned a lesson but at least the kids had loads of turns smashing the pinata.
Hubby dearest made mini burgers and honey chicken which were really yummy. Between the three of us I think we could do this for a living! Cocky after one party bahaha. Anyway it was fun and Tauilagi thoroughly enjoyed it and crashed out with his friends Reuben and Quin in his room by 10pm.
A big thank you to my darling in Dubai for coming and for all she did for Tau's party and big hugs for Rich_dearest for letting us borrow his wife for the week-end and the stuff they do for Tau. Thanks also to our friends that made it with their kids and for all the lovely presents Tauilagi got on the day. A very lucky and blessed boy indeed.


Fotuosamoa said…
awww, what a lucky pre-birthday boy!! it looks like loads of fun Mega! and Nets the party queen was there too, awesome! i love the pinata! tat reminds me, we have to take a paddle pool for the wee ones to wear them out!
...looking forward to the real birthday part in june!

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