Off on a trip

Today I'm packing once more. I absolutely am not enjoying this. I've been ticking off my checklist in my head this whole week but have yet to actually do what I'm supposed to do. Here I am procrastinating on my blog without actually getting my stuff together. In my head I'm packed and ready to go. I can't wait to get to NZ and on to Samoa. I like this country but I think I can take it in small dozes. I need that trip away to reboot the system before coming back to this reality. The schools are now on holidays here in Muscat, it follows the European/US system where this is now the summer holidays. Next term Tau starts at a proper Early Childhood programme at big school. yikes so it's serious business when we come back from the holidays!! Aue to the early mornings for mummy:) Anyway life goes on and this is just another step back in time for me but into the future for my little Tauilagi.
I look forward to meeting my little gorgeous nephew Tuifiti in NZ and cuddle my princess niece Moelagi. I'm actually looking forward to sleeping in my sister's guest room or our room that we've always used on our visits! I look forward to chats with my sisters and laughter with my brothers/inlaws. I look forward to eating some fresh green mussels in NZ. I look forward to landing in Faleolo and watch the coconut palms rush up to meet us there surrounded by the heart warming turquoise lagoon of Satapuala and Mulifanua. I look forward to inhaling the salty warm damp air as they open the airplane door.
I look forward to descending down those steps and seeing the smiling friendly faces of the airport staff and some that I've come to know and answering the usual question of "O lea le umi o le lua malaga?-How long's your trip?, A'o fea Aleki? Where's Alex?" I don't know if that's out of pure curiosity or they're just being faikala if the hubby was joining us at all?" Followed by the customs people that will report to me that my travelling mom and sister had just gone through those doors a few day before! I love how these little things remind me that I am back in my small country where everyone knows what everyone else had for breakfast. I look forward to the strumming of the ukulele, guitars and the paka'e(vibrant) voices of the string band that greet you at the arrival terminal. ...
I look forward to greeting my family. I look forward to the bumpy ride back to Apia and hoping to be greeted by some yummy dinner at my brother's. What I don't look forward to is people telling me that I've put on weight and after saying hello follows the question 'Kou ke koe o afea?"- When are you going back? For goodness sakes we've just landed...oh how the green green grass of home beckons me...choo hooo


Fotuosamoa said…
then hurry up already and get here! the room all set,...except Maeva wants our Tauilagi to sleep in Her room. i told her, for sure and she can hang out with him for many hours while mommy and aunty have a trink, hahah.
seeu tomorrow sis, safe travels

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