Song of the soul

I'm going through old pictures and videos on my old hard drive and what a roller coaster ride it is. I found pictures of some of my old and some young relatives that have passed on. Photos of old friends whom are still around and some not. Pictures of places that are no more and some that are still the same. However the one piece that brought me to tears and filled me with emotion is a short video from the night one of my sisters gave birth to her daughter. Mum, myself, daddy-to-be and 2 of my other sisters were present for support, so what happened as we waited for the little blessing to make her entrance into the world is we broke into song. We were harmonising in that candle lit room the songs from our grandmother, from our childhood and the old Samoan hymns and songs our mother taught us. It was a pure spiritual moment. Being present in the miracle of the imminent arrival of new life is simply magnificent. Witnessing my own flesh and blood in agonising pain to bring forth this new life while we hummed, prayed and sang in harmony, is an indescribable journey of a lifetime.


Fotuosamoa said…
...and she is the luckiest baby in the world for being surrounded by such an amazing loving family, I loved everything about that experience (aside from the (ahem) birth itself!)...i loved the 'sou fuga sina mixed with Ua soona olioli (:

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