Why are we here?

Today I went out with my son to buy some things from an arty shop and then afterwards we went to the beach to get some fresh air and snag a cinnamon roll from CinnCeo there. I know not good for my health but well I felt like something sweet and hoped for a lift to my spirits. When I head out I have a list of things to do but I tend to reshuffle everything as I'm heading out which of course throws my plans. So like today after the arty shop I just felt like some fresh air and open space so I took baby to the beach. I texted a friend to join us but obviously was busy. So we just went there parked Tau on the sidewalk for a while to watch the locals playing football and people milling around on the beach. I felt sad because I wanted to call on one of my sisters or Mom and ask them to join us on the beach but alas we're in another country on the other side of the world and that may not be very easy.
I wonder why are we here?
Is it worth being so far from our loved ones?
In my moment of weakness no answer to either question makes sense. I hope tomorrow will bring a brighter note but for the time being I'm just not at the top.
Today we were supposed to go Dubai to meet up with our friends there in welcoming the Samoan Sevens team. I had been looking forward to that this month. However due to the fact we'd all been sick we decided to can the trip as baby and hubby are still coughing and I've still got the sniffles.
I guess not being able to meet up with our friends and meeting up with the team bringing in fresh air from home has something to do with my low day but I miss my family today and that's for sure.
However my baby boy hasn't ceased to cheer me up. The way he runs around the lounge now in his walker with his toothless grin. The way he laughs when I say boo and the way he grabs his blanket and suck on it as he goes to sleep. All is not lost in my world today. good night.


Fotuosamoa said…
awww, i wanna cry reading this...we miss you just as much, and there no where else wed rather be that to meet you two at the beach and go to the pub after hahah
nah- jokes aside -youre just seeing negatives coz youre sick and cancelled the DXB trip youre been looking forward to - you'll get over it and enjy urself.
next time u feel sad -picture us all together at once - simon talking shit, relle leaving her mess around, mom smoking like a chimney playing solitaire, me being polite, lani looking for food...hey, youre in a good place right now!!!
WE miss u
fotu and maeva moelagi

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