Dubai again

Came back from Abu Dhabi and Alex had to leave the next day for an overnight in India. As my friend Nets just arrived in Dubai and I'm leaving for NZ soon I thought I'd go to Dubai and spend the week-end with them. So off I went to Dubai to see Nets and Rich. Had a lovely relaxing time there. Went window shopping for baby furniture which were quite expensive. I was also checking online for used furniture that people were trying to sell in Dubai. We went to check out a wooden changing table at a lady nearby's house which was made of oak and really nice. She showed me the matching cot and said I can have both because her kids had grown too big for it and she'd rather someone else is using it. So I said I'd take it. Our darling friends are going to store the stuff for us for the time being.
On Friday afternoon we went to the Marina in search of the cupcake lady only to find the stalls were already packed away. So while Nets and Rich continued on their car search I went to the Macarto Mall to look at more baby furniture. Spent a lovely afternoon there relaxing, reading, eating and window shopping. Rich and Nets joined me later and we went to watch Welcome home Roscoe. It was an ok movie. Some really funny parts. The night before Nets and I saw 27 dresses which was ok but I thought the main girl was too much of a push over. Oh well...

Nets and I at the Marina with no cupcakes heh heh


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