The countdown continues

In 10 days we'll be heading to New Zealand for a new beginning! We can't wait. It's getting warmer now in Oman and I guess we'll be greeted with the cold weather that's autumn/winter in NZ. I look forward to catching up with our family and friends there. It's been awhile and it's always nice to see familiar faces.
So I just got the call from our friends in Dubai that they've picked up the cot and changing table for baby which I am very happy about. So now we got that part sussed. I'm also very appreciative of the fact that our friends are storing the furniture for us until we figure out delivery to our place! It's wonderful to have reliable friends! Thanks guys for doing that.
Yesterday I had my appointment with the gynaecologist to check on my progress. She just listened to baby's heartbeat which we could all hear beating loud and clear. Baby's been so active it's just beautiful to know that all's okay and that baby's growing stronger. My tummy now is broadening and the bump has grown above my belly button. Exciting indeed. Everytime Alex puts his hand on my tummy baby kicks or moves which is just wonderful.
Today I went back to the hospital for my glucose test to rule out gestational diabetes. I should know by next week if all is ok. My sleeping patterns have been all over the show. I'm an insomniac at night it seems but I managed to get a good long nap this afternoon which I feel good about. I hope to get a good night's sleep tonight. These days I base my daily schedule around how I feel. Some mornings I'm up ready to go out and do things and others I just want to take it easy.
Otherwise all is well so far. Not looking forward to the long flight to NZ but it's a means to an end!
So I found this really comfortable maternity(nursin) bra at Bendon which was an Elle McPherson one and it's great. I have to hold off till NZ and buy a couple there when I know my new size. I don't want to buy something and then can't use it! Kind of scary sometimes when I find myself in the maternity section ha ha!
One lady in our yoga class had a healthy baby boy 3 weeks ago. I saw them yesterday and what a cutie. It's just wonderful to see what we'll have in a few months. Not long to go now!
Baby is moving around right now. lovely lovely. Good night I'm off to bed.


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