The gift of a Child

This week I met a friend of a friend who is a few months pregnant and looked fabulous. I congratulated her and she gave me an unimpressed smile. I'm then made aware that this pregnancy was an accident and by no means were they really accepting of it due to their circumstances. The couple already have 7 children between the ages of 20 and 12 and to them they're just about to see the last of their kids through school and it's really hard to make ends meet and then here they were about to raise a new baby. I remembered close friends in NZ that really want a child due to their lack of reproductive success. They had undergone IVF to no avail late last year and are now really open to adoption. So I told the pregnant woman about our friends with no kids in NZ and she said she is very keen to let them adopt her baby. I suggested for her to sleep on it and talk to her family and see what they say while I contact our friends and see what happens. Today I called a lawyer and discussed the possibilities and she said it is a lengthy process but possible. I called our friends in NZ and they were so excited on the phone it was touching and I felt like crying at the possibility of this couple getting a much needed child and marvelled at how tricky life can be: from a couple with seven children who don't want anymore and a couple with no children who are trying very hard to have ONE!  


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