Wisdom Toothless

Yesterday I went in to have my 3 wisdom teeth removed. It had taken me a long time to have the courage to go get this done. So earlier last month we met a dentist and was encouraged to go see him to have my bothersome teeth removed. He did the X-ray and then made the appointment for the surgery. One of my  the wisdom teeth was horizontally impacted and another was fairly deep. Well I went in a little nervous but my mind was at ease it'll be okay. I changed into the hospital gown with the gap at the back luckily it overlapped! The nurse showed me the way to the surgery and once I was on the table the anaesthetist came in and well it wasn't long before I was out to the count.
I woke up in the recovery room not feeling my mouth! I fell asleep again. When I woke up the dentist came to see me and said that it was a difficult procedure as one of the teeth was deeply embedded in the bone. They wheeled me to my private room where I was just happy to sleep and sleep. Finally they gave me a mirror and boy was I shocked. I looked like I got a beaten on my face ok more like around my mouth a jaw! I had bruises around the left and ride side of my mouth. The right side was totally numb and bruised. I discharged myself in the evening. The motion in the car made me feel sick. When I got home I hugged the toilet and spewed the milk and juice I drank earlier. Luckily hubby had arrived home and made me some soup to replenish my system.
Today I'm still a little bit groggy but not in a state to drive or go anywhere. My mouth is still a bit numb but swollen and my lips are wounded from them probably holding my mouth open for the procedure.. yuck what an awful ordeal, I'm just glad I was asleep through it all. Off to sleep some more. 


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