Oh the Rugby World Cup fever is so contagious right now it just speeds the heart beat every time. Can't wait for the game tomorrow morning Oman time 6.30am. Go Manu smash those Namibians and then on to the other three. O tou mama na, fai ia mafai. Attack Attack Attack... and don't forget the 3Ds Defend, Dominate AND Dackle Dackle Dackle choo hooo Here are some pictures that my lovely friends here in Muscat helped with in front of The Sultan's palace in Ruwi to show our support from this side of the world for the team for the Go The Manu facebook page. Join it to follow the Manu Samoa and the preparations in New Zealand. My prayer is for them to do amazing for their sakes. They seem so confident and with a purpose that I'm sure they do not want to let themselves down. But what a tough pool they have though but warriors they are and I believe in the current team. Nevermind our dodgy Rugby Union and their antics...that's for another day. GO MANU SAMOA. Do it for you and then for us all. Vi'ia le Ali'i.


Anonymous said…
Love all the Pics Megs!!
Keep up the Samoa Spirit!
Go The Manu Kaeao!!

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