
We landed safely on New Zealand soil this arvo. Whew, what a relief! Travelling that distance with a toddler is a dreaded experience almost. It's one of those things that I don't want to go through but have no choice if we wanted to come home and see or families. I decided to crash for one night at my bff's in Dubai to avoid starting the journey at 3am. So Tauilagi and I went a day early to Dubai, relaxed there and commenced the trip the following morning at the sane hour of 1015. We had a nice time in Dubai with our friends and slept late. The next morning Sonny_Tau was so tired that one hour into the flight and he knocked out for over an hour. He woke up to refuel and went back to sleep for about 3-4 hours. I managed to have a snooze and watch movies and read my book. When Tau woke up we went for a walk around the massive A380 aircraft and for him to stretch his legs and play with other kids.

The SYD-AKL leg was different. The aircraft was quite empty so I let Tau go wandering down the aisles by himself as I could see him either way. I was just finishing my book and was so absorbed that I forgot about him for a few minutes. I realised this and ran to look for him and found him at the back entertaining the flight attendants. They were happily chatting to him and when I enquired if all was okay but they weren't fussed. I sat nearby to make sure he was ok otherwise the flight attendants were happy to amuse him as the flight wasn't busy. He fell asleep before landing in AKL.

If you've seen the Trunki suitcases I highly recommend it. Hubby_dearest bought one of these for Tau on one his trips and wow I didn't need a stroller and sonny_Tau was kept busy pulling his trunki along and when he was tired he would sit on it while I pull him. Of course he concentrated on pulling the trunki, never mind the passengers behind him trying to rush by! It's just the best little case for little travellers. My little man was so helpful too, when I got the bags off the carousel I turned to find he had pushed the trolley up to where I was and I didn't have to lug the bags to where he was:) He insisted on pushing the trolley loaded with bags that he can't even see over! He's my little seasoned traveller.


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