Sleepless in Muscat

Due to my over consumption of treated red grapes (in other words red wine) from Spain last night and my early work out this morning, I was really tired. I dropped Tau to nursery came home made brekkie with hubby_dearest before he went to work and I to bed! I slept till it was time to pick up my son from nursery. Boy that was a good sleep too. I picked my son up from nursery and brought him home fed him and self lunch and then took him for his afternoon nap. I read my book and next thing I was fast asleep next to him again!! We woke up around 4pm!!! So we came downstairs, I made pasta with salmon baked in the over. It was a yummy meal after a whole day of sleeping. So now hubby_dearest and our son are asleep and I can't sleep! I watched Sex and the City the movie and boy that was good. I was in tears when Carrie Bradshaw and Mr. Big had their altercation on the street! It was full of raw emotion and it was played really well. Gotta love a good love story.
Tomorrow I have to get curtains for our three windows that exposes us to the outside world. OK my son's room doesn't have curtains either. We've yet to hang them up:( I know slack but well don't have the tools and blah blah I just have to get the professionals to come hang it up along with putting in new ones. I also have to make a trip to a plant nursery to get some more plants for our garden. I want some colour-ful leaved plants out there to break the green. I love our little Eden within our gates.
Driving in Muscat is still the same: Crazy. It's a game of who quits first or risk having your car bumped, scratched or plain CRASH! Nevermind if you're in the correct lane they would run you off the lane just to be one car in front! What's wrong with merging in an orderly fashion. aaarggh. This city is growing fast and the roads aren't equipped to hold the number of cars on the road but then this could be said about a lot of cities in the world. Speaking of which we happen to live off a busy road which is quiet at night and there's a bend in the road not far from our current location. Last month, three nights in a row there were accidents on that bend. They happened late at night and I was sleeping in the front room and I could hear screech of tyres and a thud at the end as the car hit the lamp post, the next one hit the plastic barriers on the side of the road. Since then they've put temporary indicators on the side of the road to mark the bend and I haven't heard any crashes since. On that note I'm off to bed and hope to join the dreamworld soon.


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