Leap Year

Today is February 29th and thought I should blog today to mark this leap year date. An interesting birthday for babies born today around the world. I'm now 1 day short of being six months pregnant and the my tummy is growing fast now. It's beginning to get to the stage where I can't believe it does grow bigger as I have three months to go so hmmm I'm going to be like a digger in a yard for sure at the end!! ha ha Oh well as long as my baby is getting stronger and healthier that's all I'm concerned about right now.
I'm reading Street Lawyer by John Grisham which isn't bad. There's a nice used book shop at Al Wadi Centre in Qurum called Prim Rose that have some good novels where I picked up my two recent books. Funny last night I dreamt of baby furniture. Needless to say I'm trying to decide on a baby cot and furniture for baby and when to buy them due to all the travelling.
Not long to go before we head to New Zealand. Looking forward to seeing families and friends there.
Anyway better go put my feet up.


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