Cooking and me

Today I'm 5 months pregnant exactly. Four more months to go.

Well I really have a problem; I really dislike cooking.

Last week I surprised hubby when he woke up from napping after work, I had just about finished cooking dinner which he thought was impressive. I liked it too. The next day I managed to cook another meal which was basic but still I COOKED. After that I didn't want anything to do with the kitchen. I'm just not a big fan of cooking. I mean I'm well aware it must be done but I just can't be arsed going in there and try to throw a meal together! I read somewhere a very useful tip which I hope to use someday and it said that one should sit down and write down the menu for the week so that when you go shopping you can buy all the ingredients for those meals you've decided on. I thought that was brilliant because I'm not one to walk into the kitchen and a meal comes to me in the form of a premonition or whatever the heck it is people-who-can-cook get when they go into the kitchen. So what I do now is when I do cook I make a lot of it so that I/we can still eat the left-overs the next day or the next few days.
This is not to mention that my hubby is the cook of the household as is a darn good one at that. But sometimes the cook also gets tired and I try to step in to save the day only that I don't! har har! Because I cooked last week I just don't feel like it this week. It's horrible. I wish I could just cook every other day. But then deciding on the meals too is a hassle as I run the meals through my head I would eliminate them as nah don't feel like it, nah don't know how to do that, nah don't have this or that. I simply dislike matters to do with the kitchen I guess.
I am trying though really. Sometimes though I just don't feel like eating food I made myself. I'm trying to cook more so when I have the baby I can really cook for baby too. Maybe then having a purpose will make me cook and not think too much about it. Anyway I hate the subject of cooking when it comes up and others frown at me for not knowing. Actually all my sisters(except one) share this dilemma of we-can't-cook syndrome.
When Mom was with us she talked a lot about her cooking and how she realised too late that we didn't know how to cook when we were already teenagers and on our way out. Anyway she taught us much more that I would never trade to be able to cook a lousy meal. Plus she told the husbands-to-be back then too to be aware that they have to do the cooking.
Anyway just wanted to get that irritating subject out of my system...again.


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