Long week-end

So once again we have another holiday. So I get a three day week-end which is nice. Just finished my morning classes and what a head-ache. All the kids were in holiday mode I felt like drop kicking a teenager out a window.. choo hoooo. Frustrating. I caught some of them took a test from my desk. To punish them I gave them a test twice as long and will subtract some marks from their papers. What a headache on the last day of the week. And I wasn't the only one, my other colleagues had similar experiences today! So I gave a lot of writing exercises today to shut them up!
I'm working on my Mom's itinerary for her trip up and it is proving to be a a bit of a headache due to changes and unforseen Samoan circumstances. My aunty was supposed to come as well but now she's cancelled!
Hubby's folks are looking at coming up in October so we have visitors to look forward to soon. It would be good for me cos I haven't been out of Muscat much so this'll be my chance to do it. Moreover a nice break for them from the cold of New Zealand. Alex's sister will be visiting soon as well. Nice.
At the moment summer is dragging and the boredom is starting to eat at my brain. It's up to me to do things but don't seem to do much. My thing to do and get it over with this summer is to get my diving certificate! So help me God get this over and done with. Amen. In the meantime I'm heading off to meet a mate for coffee! Life and coffees heh heh


Anonymous said…
i know all about coffee! i love starbucks and starbucks loves me :)

bored and surfing the web so thought to check your blog. nice pics. hope to visit that area of the world at some point in my life.
take care,
Sleepless-in-Seattle (as you coined me a while ago :)

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