lovely, lovely

So its 4 am now and everyone has just left, I've had a few too many pina coladas and am quite happy with how the party went. Everyone enjoyed the pina coladas (including myself) and the magaritas. It was a lovely celebration of the end of our course so it was nice to see my colleagues in a relaxed manner. Our one other Samoan friend came with her lovely husband who spoke some important words in Samoan which went something like this "Faafekai kele lava, malo malo." So I proceeded to reply in Samoan in a polite manner and I got " malo malo malo" so I laughed and said you sure do know what's important...cos he can't speak outside of that... but it was nevertherless really nice to see others trying to speak which I thought was sweet.


Fotu said…
Malo Malo Malo..


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