...as time passes by...

Its the first of November so we're two months away from the end of yet another year. Hmm time flies by when you're not looking?
Alex's parents are over visiting and we're loving having family up here. As I'm still in the middle of the course I have been busy while Alex has been taking the folks all over Oman. They've already spent the night in the desert called the Wahiba sands and then spent the nite on a beach in the Al Naseem camp near where they went to see the turtles. The weather now is bearable its in the 30s and inland its in the 20s so already there are visitors coming into the country and the expats are heading for the hills in their four wheel drives. I'm really looking forward to an adventure filled winter this year.
I have two more weeks left for my course and am looking forward to it now. Two more weeks to go and if all goes well we'll be out in the real world tp get on with it all. OK its 4pm on Wednesday which is like a Friday in most countries and its been a hard week. I better go have a nap because the eye lids are drooping.
Tomorrow we're heading for Jebel Ahkdar for one night. Jebel is in the hills of Oman and we'll be staying in a hotel there for one night before heading back down again.


Fotuosamoa said…
hey mex,...nice that yorue seeing some familiar faces...
good luck with the rest of the course,...
the rugby team from samoa are in auckland, satuu brought the team, sinave came as well as magalelei and kids etc...im seeing em next week, so i'll be ripped off by the time i come back down, shet.
take care...alofas
me and guigui
Anonymous said…
almost there girl! And adventure packed winter? Sounds fantabulous. Have a great time at Jebel Ahkdar, lovely to hear about the fambam!
Anonymous said…
hey cousin,
good luck with the course. HOpe all goes well for you!!! Amuia oe eke travel ai pea!!!

Love u dear,
tEiNe_DoMiNgUeZ said…
OK Cuz.. I think I got this to work... LOL...

Have fun with your course and update me with when you and Alex decide to have little ones kaye??

Love u much,

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