A job!!!

Its been about a week and a half since the CELTA course and I'm over the break already. Very strange not having anything to get up for. I've been looking around for a job and had an interview last week and today I'm going in to find out more about this particular institution and observe some of the classes I'll be teaching. Really looking forward to it. I start on December 6th. All my colleagues from the course have either started work already or have something lined up... I can't believe I didn't discover this earlier!!! So a piece of advice to those that want to change careers or are not sure of what to do...do the CELTA course or a TEFL certificate and it opens doors that you never noticed before. Its big business and there are jobs advertised all over the world for those that want to travel!
Tomorrow I'm heading up to Dubai ahead of Alex to hang out with friends there like in the malls and such:) Its the Dubai 7s this week-end so that's the hype up our way at the moment. Alex will join me in two days after he arrives back from his flight. We're really looking forward to hanging out with all the Samoan crew in Dubai and whoever can make it and of course put up a good cheer for our boys. Tough one though Samoa is playing the All Blacks on the first day...darn...and my cousin just emailed that he made the cut for the All Blacks team. Well, sorry cuz but I have to cheer for Samoa first.
Yesterday I went to visit good friends of ours whom I'd neglected during the gruelling weeks of studying. They have a beautiful garden and after we ate our fill we sat on their patio overlooking the garden and just enjoyed the cool breeze while watching the parakeets swarm around a nearby date palm. It was just one of those moments of sheer contentment and beauty that one's mind is clear of all worries and the world drops away as one enjoys what is the NOW.
Then the phone rang and my dear friend and I had to break away to pick up her kids from school. I sat in the car while she arranged all activities with her three daughters and their friends. And I mean all 5 girls telling her their programmes at once. I sat there thinking where did that peaceful afternoon disappear to. My friend laughing knowingly turned to me and said, "The joys of motherhood Omega, you will experience it someday!" hahahaha! nice one...


Fotuosamoa said…
congrats sis on completing that crazy full on course!!!now you can partee faalausoso'o again, heheh

we dropped off mom last night, she spent a week down here at the sewing machine of course!

okay, take care
luv me

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