
When I think of blogging at the moment, all that comes to mind are my kids! It's so weird saying 'my kids', I guess it's due to having had one child for almost five years before our second pepe boy entered the world! Speaking of pepe boy now he's back to his normal sleeping pattern. It takes me an hour to put him to bed now rather than 4 hours a few days ago! And then he sleeps for almost 8 hours! I love it.
However yesterday my 4 year old woke up with a fever. We gave him panadol and then he was himself again after 30 minutes. By the afternoon he had high fever again and off we went to see a doctor. Today our lounge is Tau's hospital room and he's still not well. Last night he was feeling sorry for himself. Sobbing he said he didn't like being sick and he's sorry that he couldn't cuddle and hold his baby brother nor 'help' me do things for him. He was so sweet it nearly broke my heart. Here's a four year old who's very sick and all he could think of was how he couldn't help his baby brother. Like they say, sometimes kids really teach us some. 

Manu Journal
This week his chatting skills are getting better and I love this stage where we can baby talk! I learned this with my first born that if you copy their sounds they sound it back to you and on it goes. It's sweet and pepe is smiling also which is just super cute and just brightens my world. 


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