Kindy Graduation

A lot of our friends have come down with the cold and so we too caught it. It's going around and well it's very hard to dodge it. Since my throat felt scratchy I quickly took the usual remedies to kill it before it got worse. I just didn't want my poor newborn pepe to get it too. Unfortunately 2 nights ago he felt a bit warm and so early the next morning we took him to the doctor. We got some medicine just to help him get rid of the viral infection he had. Luckily by today he's not too warm. Tonight however he is having trouble sleeping and well this happened a couple of times before and I must admit it freaks me out thinking... is this the start of a bad stretch! The life of a parent I guess. It doesn't help that one of my friends carries on about how her 'good' baby became colicky at 3 months! Thank you for the positivity...hag. Anyway here's to hoping my pepeboy feels better tomorrow.

My big boy had his end of year concert at his Montessori kindergarten. I dropped him to school and then I sat in the lobby to wait for the concert to be sure I get a front row seat as I had promised. They had been practising for this concert all month and it's been so lovely listening to his singing in the car in English and in Arabic so I was excited to see him in action. Last year he wasn't really into these performances on stage due his not being able to spot me in the crowd. Once they opened the doors to the concert hall we managed to secure front row and middle seats and once Tau came out he saw me right away and I was rewarded with a big smile on his face. Well he performed like a star and I was so proud of him. He held his own throughout the performances and it's pretty amazing how these little kids managed to stage an hour long show with no major hiccups! Kudos to the teachers and their skills. The kids did a body movement show and a song about professions and a Montessori theme song all in both English and Arabic. At the end of their show they had the kids in graduation gowns and caps and then called each one to get their certificates. It was so cute and I wish I knew they did that I would have made ulas for Tau as we always do. Either way my boy made me proud and he really followed through with his performance on stage.


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