Surprise Party

My bestie has had her last chemo-treatment and has been given the all clear of breast cancer to our utter relief, however she still has a year of a herceptin to go. The worst is over thank God for that. So to celebrate her surviving this ordeal and her birthday in one go we decided to organise a surprise party for her. Her hubby was in on it and he wanted to do it at their house as he had just installed an outdoor bar for entertaining. And so we planned. We finalised a date that most people were available on which is flaming hard when most people are on rosters... but the final and most difficult task was getting her out of her own house and then to sneak her kids to mine for the night. 
In the end another friend invited them over for drinks before going out to dinner. Her sister was visiting also so they went off and we took the kids home with the sitter. It was crazy. Once she left the house, friends and I rushed over there and set up the house and garden for the party with her hubby. Chairs came left right and center and table. It was hectic as guests were arriving within an hour and a half but we managed to get it ready in time! It was a transformed place within an hour. We had fairy lights up over the bar around the garden, balloons the bar set up. We had the alcoholic fountain up and running. It was just our paradise...yep partee.
Finally we gave the all clear to the friend doing the entertaining to bring her home and did she get a surprise when she walked in and we were all there. And amazingly we managed to keep it from her all that time. I actually had to avoid her for 3 days as I just knew I would slip up. Closer to the party I couldn't sleep organising it in my head bahaha. Anyway there was loads of food and drink. The music was awesome, people were dancing, laughing and she just had a fabulous time. I did too until 2 in the morning!! 


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