My Birthday

I woke up to a text from one of my friends to meet her for coffee after kids drop off. School started this week so having free hours in the morning is all a novelty once more for me. I texted back yes. Hubby got up to say happy birthday and went back to bed as he worked late the night before.
I met my friend at a cafe where I could have breakfast. I had decided my birthday was going to be a non-event as the surprise party was my focus. I texted my bestie that we were at our favourite cafe if they wanted to join us for coffee. They showed up with big smiles wishing me a happy birthday. I felt so bad when the friend I was having coffee with looked up in shock and embarrassment that I hadn't informed her about it. Well what was I gonna say guess what "it's my birthday!!! We had a nice breakfast and then I offered to take my friend's sister to the souk. The souk is the beautiful market place in Muttrah the old capital of Oman which is in Muscat. I hadn't been there is such a long time so I was really pleased to go back there. I love the colours of the souk and we managed to find some gorgeous shawls and silver jewellery. I was just the tour guide but the charm of the souk got me once more.
We came back in time to pick up my son from kindy. We came home to yummy choco cake that hubby got from Cafe G that we had breakfast at earlier. My mom remembered my birthday along with my siblings thanks to FB, so it was nice to get all the messages on email, ph and facebook. Did I say I was a sucker for those?
My friend's sister was leaving so we decided to take her out to dinner and might as well be a combined one with my birthday. We sent the text around to our group of friends and unusual as it was most were not working except for my poor hubby who had to work that evening. We went to O'Malley's and Irish pub in town that was having a Ladies night. Had yummy fish and chips and by midnight everyone was itching to go dancing. Off we went to Club Zouk which is this nice club under Crowne Plaza hotel. There was hardly anyone there but when we walked in the DJ started playing all the good ol' party sounds from our outing days. It was AWESOME. I think we danced and danced until my feet were about to go on strike so I came home! I had to wake up 4 hours later to take my son to kindy. Needless to say my eyes were popping out of my head so I came straight home and went back to bed. But I had an awesome birthday. I had decided it was a non-event and so whatever happened it was a plus. I should think like that every year so I don't get disappointed:)


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