Pagipopo Carnival and Farewells

My son's school is celebrating their 25th year anniversary tomorrow Carnival style. There will be food stalls from about 80 countries represented in the school! Pretty diverse if you ask me. So this lone Samoan decided to do pagipopo for our stall. We're sharing a stall with Australia, NZ, Fiji so it should be good. My Fijian friends are doing the kokoda (oka) and smoked octopus! 
So for the past two days I've stayed home and kneaded dough like there was no tomorrow. Auoia. 
I owe this confidence to Mrs. Pagipopo but I shouldn't speak too soon until they're all sold at the fair tomorrow! All proceeds go to a charity the school chooses. It's going to be an hectic day tomorrow so this momma better head to bed to have energy for tomorrow:)

Last week other friends and us two organised a farewell party for a good friend who is retiring from flying and from Oman Air. We had a Black & Gold theme amongst us in the know but pretty much an open invitation to their colleagues at the company. Our hosts were a bit worried leading up to the party but with everyone that helped out, we had loads of food and lots to drink. It was one heck of a party and best of all was Peter who's leaving was just blown away by it all. He looked quite overwhelmed at the love and presence of all those that came to wave them off. It's been amazing watching Peter's emotions as he is retiring from something he's been doing for over 40 years! He loves flying and he's been an asset to this company though they don't show it! Peter and his lovely lady are looking forward to their retirement to Queensland and days of golf ahead. We'll miss knowing they're there but life must go on and expat life is transitional and nomadic as well. All the best Captain and Purser:) Much love from all of us.  


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