
We came back from Dubai today. Hubby went for word to start with and after Bubba's nursery on Wednesday I picked him up and headed straight for the airport to go to Dubai. Here is how my day went that Wednesday.
Bubba and I were up at 6.30 fed him his breakfast got ready and off we went to drop him off at nursery. He cried for a bit as I left but the teacher at the gate reassured me "he cries for two minutes then he stops after you leave". I wasn't sure whether that was supposed to make me feel better!
I came home and quickly did our packing, tidied our messy apartment from bubba's playing the night before, toys all over the lounge and I also tried to get some washing done before heading off so we're now greeted with a tonne of laundry on our return. After the house was nicely tidied, dishes washed, laundry in washing machine I had enough time to zip down to the salon and got my nails done. Oh yeah I needed a reward after all that work heh. I told the lady to cut corners so I can get out of there as the clock was ticking and it hit me I had less than an hour and a half to pick up sonny boy and get to check-in for our flight.
The night before I had done the right thing and listed ourselves on the flight just to be sure we're wait-listed as we were travelling on discounted fares, thanks to the perks of hubby's job.
So I rushed out of the salon grabbed our bags and literally ran to the car with stroller in tow and drove like a mad woman to pick up my son.
I apologized to the teacher that I was in a rush and off we went, strap my son in his seat and off to the airport we went. At the long term car park I realised that there were no trolleys there so I had to leave my son's car seat behind as there was no way I could take child, stroller, and three bags to the check in by myself!!! Where were my third and fourth hands when I needed them. We finally get to the check-in counter with 20 minutes to spare (they close the flight an hour before take-off) and the guy looks at our ticket and had a exasperated look on his face. I gave him 2 minutes before I asked him what was going on and he said, "oh" he says "you aren't listed on the flight so I'm trying to call reservations but no one is answering, why don't you go back to reservations and book yourselves and then come back." OK I just about blew my top there and I calmly said to the check-in staff that I DID list us on this flight the night before and if he can't check us in then by all means call his supervisor or someone that can enter us in the system. He tries to call again and all this time there's another staff behind him talking away to him and they're having a full conversation meanwhile the clock is ticking and I know they'll close the flight real soon. He says to me again "you have to go to reservations and list yourself" I lost it then and I said to him in a stern voice,
"How do you expect me to take my son, bags and all and run out through security to reservations and back within 10 minutes?"
The guys just wanted me to go away, he didn't care less whether I got on the flight or not...so I pressed and said call your supervisor and I'm not leaving here till you check us in and I'm not going anywhere. I listed myself on the flight last night and so we should be in the system. He finally called his colleague at the other counter who took our passports and ticket and checked us in!!! This guy was just typing away on his computer and I had to ask him if everything was okay and he said that there wasn't a problem he was checking us in. Meanwhile the other idiot has left his counter with his friend and chatting away obviously on their break. No wonder I was in the way of his break time...arrrgh.
Anyway we got on the flight alright and the crew were really nice that day. Sonny boy was really good and we were in Dubai in no time. Luckily our friends in Dubai had an extra car seat which we managed to borrow for the 5 days we were there. As usual we had a fab time with our friends.
I went to the Jazz festival with the girls on Thursday night and saw David Gray in action. He was just awesome. He sounded just like on his recordings it was fantastic. We had a nice time. We also went to the movies with our friends and saw Avatar in 3D which was not bad. The visual effects were amazing though the storyline wasn't original at all. We enjoyed it though. Last night my girl Nets and I went to see Valentines Day which was a fun movie. We laughed a lot and enjoyed it which was fun.
Now we're back home and nursery is on holiday so I have to do a lot of things to keep sonny boy busy in the morning. Off to bed now it's late.


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