
I finally succumbed to the vampire trend and bought the Twilight book and read it on the flight back from NZ! Wow I must say it was quite a read and it wasn't bad at all. I didn't like the bit of the story where I thought the story broke after the heroine was attacked but otherwise the writer was very good with words and I must say a very realistic way of describing a teenage crush when nothing else matters but what you feel and the subject of one's infatuation. So needless to say I'm hooked and want to get through the other two books now.
On the way to NZ I read Caroline's Sister by Sheila O'Flannagan. It was okay... I thought it droned on in some bits and it got to a point where I just skipped paragraphs and still didn't lose the storyline which was almost boring by the end. Needless to say I was glad I was done with that.
When I went to England a few years ago I met my eldest nephew Ben for the first time and we discussed books and he gave me a list of must-read books. On this list were all three Phillip Pullman books and last December I read Northern Lights. That was really good I must say. I was sucked into the book until the end. Funny thing is I realised after the first few lines that I'd seen the movie The golden compass or other which was not that great plus Nicole Kidman is just atrocious these days in movies. So I was worried that I wouldn't enjoy the book as much but I did and I can't wait to read the next one. I'm now reading a Michael Connelly novel called Bloodwork. There's a time for some authors I say and I like to take a break between authors otherwise I find the writing predictable and irritating.


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