Tears of a hormonal woman

Last week Alex finally departed for Oman to return to work. I had convinced myself that he won't be gone for long and will be back soon for the birth of baby although it's over six weeks away! We saw him off at the airport and I was composed and all good about it. I wanted not to feel too sad because of all those horror stories of women having miscarriages due to too much grief!
Well nature or should I say hormones had other plans for me. I woke up last night from a bad dream and felt immensely lonely without my husband by my side. It was awful. The next thing I knew I was sobbing my eyes out! I texted honey dearest who called me back and calmed me down. Just when I thought I had survived the critical week I cried a river. Hmmmm such is life. Well I calmed down for my darling baby in case I caused distress. Well I haven't cried in ages so that was a nice good cry in any case. I finally fell asleep an hour later and didn't wake up till late morning. Not long to go before I see my husband and our baby!


NetsG said…
Oh hun, it'll be ok. I know how you feel about missing him, but it must be worse because theres also bubba. So cry a whole damn country if you need to let it out. Just look after yourself k? And hey, it's almost time for Alex to come back now!!

love you,

Tummy rubs for bubs
Nets & Rich

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