White Christmas in Austria

We landed at Salzburg airport at 1.30pm on the 19th and Desiree was there to pick us up. It was -4 degrees!!! It was freezing. Hopped in the car and came home to the warmth of Mondsee. The drive was fanstastic as all around us was white snow. It hasn't snowed again but due to the cold days the fields are still white and the tree tops glisten from the frost. It's just spectacular. It's turning into the dream Christmas I was hoping for. Unfortunately Alex couldn't make it:(
Two nights ago Fleur and I went to the Christmas market in Mondsee and the kids from the local school were singing Christmas songs all evening. Christmas market consists of a lot of eating and drinking but I had to resort to the kids' punch! It was a lovely evening and there were loads of beautiful displays.
Yesterday we went to Salzburg to pick up our tickets for the Christmas concert and also got to see the Salzburg Christmas Market which was much bigger with a variety of stalls. Took lots of pictures and tried the sausages and cheese in dfferent stalls. Despite the cold we managed to enjoy ourselves and see as much as we could. Salzburg was buzzing by one o'clock. We came home rested and went out to dinner in the evening.
This morning Iris came over for breakfast. She's six months pregnant as it is!!! Her uncle and cousin arrived later to help us decorate the 2 metre high Christmas tree. The boy stood on the ladder to hang the lights and ornaments on the highest branches. We then decorated the rest of the tree and it turned outvery beautiful. A pity that there are no kids who would enjoy it more. Nadia arrives after Christmas and I think she'll have a ball getting the chocolates off the tree.
Anyway now Mom and Desiree have gone off to visit friends.
We would like to wish our family and friends a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Manuia tele le Kerisimasi ma se Tausaga Fou fiafia.


Fotuosamoa said…
awwww...merry christmas to you three!!! i wish i was there!!! have some hot wine for me please...opps, you cant!!! get fluer to have a few shots for me!!!
i guess relle has arrived there already,....take care and my love to you all,...get rested woman!!!

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