Dubai Sevens Rugby

Well here we are again in Dubai. We came to support our boys in the sevens. We were proud of course to cheer for our boys from the BP stand with the rest of the Samoan crew from around the Middle East. It was fun off the field just laughing, singing and clowning with all the Samoan sistas and bradas as well as other Samoan supporters who donned Samoan colours to support our team. Our boys lost to England in the quarter-finals and then lost to Argentina in the Plate final. It was a close game nevertheless. I'm not fazed by this because last year it was a similar result and they came back to kick butt in Wellington and Hong Kong. Our boys are strong and there are some solid experienced boys in there and I think we have a winning combination again this year. With the likes of Rudolph Moors as the coach there's plenty to come. We wish them all the best in SA and we believe in you guys.
Much alofa and support from the Samoans top fans in Oman.
The final between NZ and Fiji was a good game to watch. The kind of game that makes one a Sevens fan indeed. The unpredictability of it all. Well during the final there were 10 Fijians, 3 Samoans and a Maori on the field. So who really won? The Pacific of course ha ha